Le Grand Manitou de Rwanda-l
Maître Ildephonse Murayi-Habimana |
(Photo Rwanda-l) |
La Propagande raciste sur Rwanda-l et le
fusible Petero Sebatutsi
Par Ildephonse Murayi ( avocat rwandais résidant en Belgique, ancien
bourgmestre de la commune urbaine de Rubavu-Gisenyi, ancien doyen de la
faculté de droit de l'Université nationale du Rwanda). Chers amis, La question de la propagande raciste sur Rwanda-l ( le newsgroup rwandais le
plus populaire en se basant sur l'activité de ses membres - RR) reste posée,
comme en témoigne la diffusion par l'Institut de Havila, quelques heures après
le simulacre d'exclusion de Rwanda-l, de Petero Sebatutsi, membre fictif de
Rwanda-l et membre éminent de l'Institut de Havila, du message intitulé
"HAVILA" archivé sous le n° 38905 (1). En effet, un des principaux instruments de propagande raciste mis au point par
le "Grand Manitou" qui sévit sur Rwanda-l, est constitué par cette nébuleuse
aux contours quelque peu imprécis, dite INSTITUT DE HAVILA. Le caractère raciste des écrits des membres de cet Institut, actifs sur Rwanda-
l, ne fait pas l'ombre d'un doute. Il suffit pour vous en convaincre de relire les différents articles diffusés par
certains membres de l'Institut de HAVILA dont les représentants sur Rwanda-
l ont pour noms (liste non exhaustive): 1. Le "Grand Manitou", alias Jean Muhigirwa. 2. Le "Grand Manitou", alias Madame Bendantunguka 3. Le "Grand Manitou", alias Karara Batamuliza 4. Le "Grand Manitou", alias Charles Sheja 5. Le "Grand Manitou", alias André Karibu 6. Le "Grand Manitou", alias Raoul Karege 7. Le "Grand Manitou", alias Sweetguybush 8. Le "Grand Manitou", alias Richard Hitayezu 9. Le Docteur A.B., alias Petero Sebatutsi 10. Christian Ngabo, alias Rutimbabigemuye 11. Hubert Miganda. Quelques extraits de la propagande raciste des représentants de l'Institut de Havila sur Rwanda-l 1. From: "Christian NGABO" <ngabo_christian@h...> Date: Sun Dec 16, 2001 1:44 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] Re: KUGIRA NGO UBUTEGETSI BWUBAHILIZE AMATEGEKO MU RWANDA KAND...
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rwanda-l/message/24353 "Ico ngomba kuvuga n'uko ABAHUTU n'ABATUTSI ari imirwi y'abantu itandukanye, kurya Aba "Mongols" n'aba "Bulgares" batandukanye. Wewe Umututsi ntuzopfa ubaye Umu "Bamiléké" ; Umu "Kikuyu" ntazopfa abaye "Umusamburu", umw'umwe mur'abo nta n'ico vyomunguraho, guhindura akabira kiwe pour plaire à je ne sais quel bienveillant tuteur!" "Go ahead, mon cher Richard ! Il n'est pas nécessaire de se laisser intimider pour te dépouiller de ce que tues et te fondre dans la masse hutu. Nti wavutse uri umuhutu. Wavutse uri imfura. Ntaco bizokuzanira kwiyita umuhutu iki gihe, kandi uzi neza ingene bene wanyu babizize. Harya ico bazize kiriho. Kirondewe coboneka ! Kandi uko ndabizi, ico wewe na bene wanyu bazira, kiriko kiraronderwa n'abantu bamwe bamwe, kandi kiriko kiragaragara. ... Si tu ne me crois pas, wait and see! On en reparlera dans quatre ans, si le Dieu des Batutsi nous prête intelligence et forve de vivre jusque-là... HORAN'IMANA Y'ABATUTSI !" 2. From: "Christian NGABO" <ngabo_christian@h...> Date: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:23 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] I Burundi si i Bugoyi
Koko Uburundi si i Bugoyi, N'uRwanda s'UBUGOYI ; Uburundi ni igihugu c'IMANA:
3.From: "Christian NGABO" <ngabo_christian@h...> Date: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:43 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] Re: I Burundi si i Bugoyi/ UBURUNDI NI I WABO W'IMANA
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rwanda-l/message/24366 "Nshima uwemeza akemanga ko Umututsi ahagurutse akavuga ko ari umututsi W'IMFURA CYANE aca yitwa umwanzi w'abantu nka ba mwebwe. Mwoshima wa mututsi "arekura imikonyovu n'akazuru" ariko akagenda yihisha ibisaka ku murango, yajya ahabona akicisha bugufi, ngo Abahutu bo kwa Habyalimana batamuhitana, mu gihe imfura zigikaka urukari ku Murindi. Ishwi Da ! Umenye wongere umenyere ko hari abandi Batutsi biyizi kandi biyita ukundi. Abo rero si Abarundi, si Abanyarwanda, si Abanyankore, Si Abahima, si Abahema, si Abahuma, ...ni Abatutsi CYANE !
Abo Batutsi Cyane, Ni wabegera bazokubwira icyo bari, iyo bava, n'iyo baja,... naho nyene bashatse, badashatse bareke ! Nta mwenda bagufitiye, atari uwo ubafitiye wewe !"
4.From: "Christian NGABO" <ngabo_christian@h...> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 12:23 am Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] Si caecus caecum ducit, ambo in foveam cadunt
Mpejeje gusoma ivyo mwishuye, kandi byanshimishije : i wacu tuvuga ngo "UKURI GUHERERA MU KUYAGA". Abanzi n'abakunzi, nzabasubiza pe !
Ndayisabye ishigikire icumu rya Nyabiyoro !
Mwese Abahutu mubibwirane, kugira amatiku n'amatikura bihere muri Bene Shyamba !" (NGABO) 5.From: "Alexis Bisangwa" <abisangw@h...> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 3:12 am Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] Re: KUGIRA NGO UBUTEGETSI BWUBAHILIZE AMATEGEKO MU RWANDA KANDI BWUBAHWE
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rwanda-l/message/24386 "Karamira yagizwe Umututsi n'Ibyihuture byavuye Uganda bitegeka RPF,ngo bishaka ko Abatutsi batagira ubumwe kuko ubumwe bw'Abatutsi b'ibihugu byose bubibangamiye mu migambi yabyo yo gufata ubutegetsi. Guhindanya Abatutsi b'i Rwanda,i Burundi, Congo ndetse na bamwe ba Uganda byabaye intego,nanubu niko bikiri kandi.Genocide kandi niko yashobotse." "Hari abazi neza ko Abatutsi bazakizwa no kwisuganya,bikaba kandi "Achilles'tendon" yabo araho iri. Ikaba ariyo mhamvu abarwanirira Abahutu(nka Murayi na Ndahimana,bombi gye nubahira ko barwanirira bene wabo, nubgo Murayi agya yifata ku gahanga akantuka)bashaka rero uko bavuga ko nta bwoko mu Rwanda,bayobya amarari. Nabagira rero inama yo kwegera Ibyihuture bene wabo bavuye Uganda bakareba umuti w'ukuri, kyakora twumva ko ngo bimaze imyaka mike bitangiye babifashijwemo n'abanyamahanga." 6.From: "Christian NGABO" <ngabo_christian@h...> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 11:12 am Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] I Burundi si i Bugoyi
"ABATUTSI NTIBAGIRA IMANA, ABATUTSI N'IMANA".(Christian NGABO, alias Rutimbabigemuye) 7.From: Jean Muhigirwa <jmuhigirwa@y...> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:07 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] I Burundi si i Bugoyi MUGITARAMO
Nijye Yohani Jean
"ABATUTSI NTIBAGIRA IMANA, ABATUTSI N'IMANA". 8.From: hubert miganda <hubertmiganda@y...> Date: Tue Dec 18, 2001 7:57 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] IKIBAZO KY ' AMOKO Mu RWANDA !
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rwanda-l/message/24450 "la politique générale du pays est controlée par des gens que l'on appelle, quelqu'un l'a rappelé hier ou avant-hier, IBYIHUTURE, c'est-à-dire très souvent des HUTU de père, nés de mères Tutsi. Ils ont souvent un faciès Tutsi, ce qui leur a permis de se faufiler jusque dans le plus intime des sanctuaires Tutsi sans éveiller la moindre attention ni la moindre vigilance.
- Je crois que là se trouve le noeud de votre problème, Mon cher Sharangabo. Ces "BYIHUTURE" ne permettront jamais que l'identité TUTSI émerge. Ce sont des Hutu à faciès Tutsi, donc des HUTU. Ils ont été, jusqu'ici, considérés comme Tutsi, alors que ce sont authentiquement des Hutu (l'identité Hutu ou Tutsi étant transmise par le père et non par la mère).
- Ces gens sont partout. Ils quadrillent tout. Ils surveillent le moindre signe d'éveil de la conscience Tutsi, pour l'étouffer dans l'oeuf. Pendant ce temps, ils ont embobiné le Président KAGAME dans une logique d'élections qui vont consacrer, comme l'a souligné NGABO YA RUTIMBABIGEMUYE, la victoire totale et définitive de leurs frères Hutu. Autrement dit, ces BYIHUTURE préparent la HUTISATION DEFINITIVE DU RWANDA" AVIS de quelques netters sur la littérature raciste des représentants de l'Institut de Havila sur Rwanda-l: 1. From: Charles karegeya <ckaregeya2000@y...> Date: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:54 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] Re: I Burundi si i Bugoyi/ UBURUNDI NI I WABO W'IMANA
Inyandiko zawe ziteye iseseme, njye sinzongera kuzisoma na rimwe.
2. From: "qzmp_12" <qzmp_12@y...> Date: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:18 pm Subject: Re: I Burundi si i Bugoyi/ UBURUNDI NI I WABO W'IMANA
Thank you for these way of discussion you have made for us so that we can put together our point of view! I would like to ask you, not too much, just to give a warning to that EXTREMISTE TUTSI Ngabo " from no where. Beeing a Tutsi or Hutu or whatever is not issue here. What we need, is what we may do to bild up our country Rwanda or Burundi even African, not stupid ideas like these for Ngabo. I am sorry to say that Ngabo has naive thought.
God be with us. 3. From: "Jean-Claude Kalinijabo" <kalinijabo@h...> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 12:20 am Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] I Burundi si i Bugoyi
Je trouve tres divisionnistes et insultants les propos tenus par ce denomme Ngabo sur notre forum. S'il trouve du plaisir a lancer des insultes au peuple Rwandais, il n'a qu'a tenter ses chances sur un des forums en Kirundi ou sur Insamilizi.
Une telle arrogance merite au moins un severe avertissement.
Jean-Claude. 4. From: "ilmurayi" <murayild@h...> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 9:45 am Subject: Re: I Burundi si i Bugoyi - Message pour Nkubito
Avec les postings successifs de ce Christian Ngabo, Rwanda-l vient de toucher le fond du trou.
Et ledit Christian Ngabo creuse toujours.
Depuis UN AN ET DEMI que je suis actif sur Rwanda-l, je n'ai JAMAIS lu de propos aussi scandaleux que ceux de cet individu.
S'il vous apparaît qu'il ne mérite aucune sanction, j'estimerais, pour ma part, qu'AUCUN AUTRE MEMBRE DE RWANDA-L, quel que soit le caractère repréhensible de ce qu'il aura diffusé, ne mérite quelque sanction que ce soit. Car, PLUS SCANDALEUX QUE LES PROPOS DE CHRISTIAN NGABO, CELA N'EXISTE PAS. Quoi qu'en dise Mzee Mukuralinda François.
Que le père de ce Christian Ngabo ait été "INDATWA" comme Mzee Mukuralinda François ne m'impressionne guère.
J'espère sincèrement que les fils de Mukuralinda François n'ont pas reçu la même éducation que cet individu. Car, je le répète, les gardiens de mes vaches, au Bugoyi, sont de loin mieux éduqués.
Portez-vous bien.
Habimana wa Murayi
5.From: LEHGAH@a... Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 6:31 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] Re: I Burundi si i Bugoyi - Reponse a Mukuralinda
Nimureke Mukuralinda na Ngabo bishire bizane! Basa n'abasamba yego. Ngabo we yageze iwa Ndabaga. Aremeza ko ngo ubututsi bwe ali ubumana! Ejo nagiraga ngo ni paranoia arwaye none biruta megalomanie! Aliko bombi cyane aliko Mukuralinda ni ba Ritararenga! Twoye rero kubatera ingata." 6.From: "Greg Ruremesha" <ruremesha@h...> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 6:42 pm Subject: Re: [rwanda-l] Re: I Burundi si i Bugoyi - Deuxieme message pour Nkubito
Les messages de ce Mr. C.Ngabo sont trop bas et ne valorise pas le forum rwanda-l. Je vous prie d'intervenir pour que l'interesse(s) puissent changer de sujet.
Greg 7. From: "nkubitob" <nkubitob@y...> Date: Wed Dec 19, 2001 4:23 am Subject: A tous les membres
"Je ne pense pas que Rwanda-l ait touché le fond comme le dit Maîtres Murayi."
1. "ABATUTSI NTIBAGIRA IMANA, ABATUTSI N'IMANA".(Christian NGABO, alias Rutimbabigemuye) 2. "kANDI UYU MURUNDI NTACYO ABESHYAHO" (Yohani Jean , alias Jean Muhigirwa) 3. "Avec les postings successifs de ce Christian Ngabo, Rwanda-l vient de toucher le fond du trou." (I. Murayi)
4. "Je ne pense pas que Rwanda-l ait touché le fond comme le dit Maîtres Murayi." (Nkubito Bakuramutsa).
Et c'est ici que le bât blesse.
Un petit raciste affirme, sans rire et sans sourciller que " LES BATUTSI SONT DIEU" !!!!,
Et Rwanda-l approuve.
Et Rwanda-l applaudit !!!
Et Rwanda-l est occupé à exclure tous ceux qui pourraient contrarier les Christian NGABO et autres SEBATUTSI.
Et Rwanda-l est occupé à demander à ceux-là qu'ils demandent pardon à ceux-ci.
Et c'est ici que le bât blesse.
Le pauvre petit raciste fictif Petero Sebatutsi vient d'être suspendu de Rwanda-l, mais le GRAND RACISTE, Dr A.B. n' a jamais été suspendu et NE SERA JAMAIS SUSPENDU DE RWANDA-L. N'en déplaise à mon ami Mwangachuchu. Yohani Jean, alias Jean Muhigirwa, le "Grand Manitou" ayant approuvé les propos racistes scandaleux de Christian Ngabo, alias Rutimbabigemuye n'a jamais été suspendu et NE SERA JAMAIS SUSPENDU DE RWANDA-L. Et pour cause, il est le "GRAND MANITOU", grand manipulateur devant l'Eternel de tous les petits racistes écervelés. Charles SHEJA, le "Grand Manitou", n'a jamais été suspendu et NE SERA JAMAIS SUSPENDU DE RWANDA-L. Et pour cause, il est le "GRAND MANITOU", grand manipulateur devant l'Eternel de tous les petits racistes écervelés.
Madame BENDANTUNGUKA, le "Grand Manitou", a subi un simulacre de suspension. Elle n'a jamais été suspendue et NE SERA JAMAIS SUSPENDUE DE RWANDA-L. Et pour cause, elle est le "GRAND MANITOU", grand manipulateur devant l'Eternel de tous les petits racistes écervelés.
Madame Karara Batamuriza, le "Grand Manitou", n'a jamais été suspendue et NE SERA JAMAIS SUSPENDUE DE RWANDA-L. Et pour cause, elle est le "GRAND MANITOU", grand manipulateur devant l'Eternel de tous les petits racistes écervelés. Christian NGABO n'a jamais été suspendu et NE SERA JAMAIS SUSPENDU DE RWANDA-L. Hubert MIGANDA n'a jamais été suspendu et NE SERA JAMAIS SUSPENDU DE RWANDA-L. En peu de mots, comme le dit si pertinemment Guillaume Murere et Ben Mwangachuchu, le simulacre de suspension du pauvre petit raciste fictif Petero Sebatutsi est UN SCANDALE. UN VRAI SCANDALE. Le pauvre petit raciste Petero Sebatutsi vient de jouer le rôle de fusible du Dr. A.B. et du "Grand Manitou", grand manipulateur devant l'Eternel de tous les petits racistes écervelés. Avec l'exclusion de Petero Sebatutsi, la saga des fusibles vient de commencer. Il est plus qu'impératif de rester vigilant. Nikozitambirwa
Banyarubuga, The last ten lost tribes of israel has been found in the great lake region. Interesting story is emerging and your opinion will be appreciated. Havila and the Tutsi Hebrews Professor Yochannan Bwejeri President, Havila Institute
As a Hebraic organization, Havila, developes a specific program: we focus our efforts on the Hebraïc remanents of pre-talmudic tribes of Israël, isolated on the "other side of the rivers of Ethiopia," according to Zephanian prophecy (Zephania, 3,10). . . . The historical and geographical land pointed out by the Zephanian prophecy has been identified by prestigious learned Jews and Talmudist, like Rashi(Rabbi Shlomo Ben Yisthak), as the White Nile Basin. The biblical name of that land is Havila according to Genesis indications (Gn 2,11). One of the Hebraïc tribes isolated in the sacred land of Havila is called Tutsi or Batutsi. During these last forty years, the Batutsi have been exterminated, and till now they are being exterminated, because of their Hebraïc identity and their Salomonic legacy. According to their Salomonic and Samsonic memory and legacy, they claim to be the descendants of two Israelite Tribes: Judah and Dan. Those who perpetuated the Salomonic Kingdom of Zagwe in the land of Havila (South of Ethiopia or Great Lakes, particulary Burundi, Rwanda, Kivu, Masisi, Shaba) claim to be the sons of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba. Indeed, the prestigious King of Israël, Solomon The Wise, has got a numerous descendance from his union with the Queen of Sheba, which is the ancient reference for the salomonic legacy of Batutsi.
The active memory fail to point out the begining of Mose's Batutsi religion. Some clans among Batutsi are really contemporary with the Moses people which moved from Egypt, according to the exact knowledge they display about the Mose's law. Others joined their brothers after the different misfortunes which affected the Israël People, such as the Destruction of the Holy Temple of Yerusalem. The Batutsi Halakhah has kept encoded references to these events, with names and rituals, such as the annual Festival of Sukkot called Umuganuro (i.e. literally "The Festival of Return"). The cultural and religious references of Batutsi have perpetuated either the pharaonic monotheism of the eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt or the Mose's prescriptions transcripted in the Hebraïc Torah. Havila Institute has concentrated its efforts on the description and analysis of the bibical culture as carried by the ancient Batutsi. The parallelism of pharonic practises and symbols with the Batutsi standards refers to the Mosaïc culture of the eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt and explains the mosaïc faith of the Batutsi. The anteriority of Batutsi monotheism has always been a subject of astonishment from the european witnesses. Those among the Europeans who reached the land of Havilam Great Lakes), in the early nineteenth century were very disturbed by that radical monotheism and its likeness to the biblical prescription. The culture of the ox was like the strict perpetuation of the pharaonic legacy. The political organisation of the Batutsi kingdoms (from Kush Kingdom: 4000 - 250 BC until post-Zagwe Kingdoms: 1270-1960) are strictely related with the salomonic system. The Hebraïc "cacherout" is the staple of Batutsi feeding, according to the Levitic law. The Batutsi system of law is the exact copy of the Deteuronomic Code. The Batutsi current misfortunes which took place in the second part of twentieth century (Amnesia and Genocide) are the consequencies of their dramatic Lost Memory. Since 1930 Ac, the history and Hebraïc memory of Batutsi have been corrupted by Catholic Inquisition leaded by Mgr Léon CLASSE, Mgr BRARD, Mgr CANONICA and Mgr PERRAUDIN. The final result is that the dominant discourse on Batutsi history is completely falsified. However, the fact is that among the numerous catholic scholars who spread the Inquisition version of Batutsi's history, none can attest that Batutsi behavior is not related with pharaonic standars and the subsequent Hebraïc law. And none can say that such a surprising system is of a recent import. Since the implantation of Hebraïc paradigm on Batutsi, leaded by Havila Academy (Yeshivah) of Brussels, Belgium, under my direction, the dominant standards are crossing a great problem of credibility, especially in academic surroundings of European Universities. The only one ressource of the dominant false version of Batutsi history is the lack of means alloted to the Hebraïc paradigm, both in research, diffusing and lobbying. Historical argumentations of the "pro-Inquisition" staff is very poor. Scholars of Havila Institute use to ask these last if they have only one proof or written source of their statements before 1860, and they fail to show anyone. And We know why!!! We are people of Halakhah, and our Mose's legacy is crypted in the Twelve Hidden Codes of Havila. When they are correctly pointed out, these hidden codes should permit to recognise any Lost Tribe settling in Havila Land. Recently, I have published, in French, a heavy dissertation on that subject (Bwejeri, J., Les Batutsi II. L'Histoire Confisquee). Among the numerous witnesses of the Batutsi Hebraïcity, we point out the famous Middle Age's traveller, whose name is Eldad Ha Dani (ninth century). This one has confirmed the authenticity and the anteriority of the Mosaïc civilisation of the Hebraïc Tribes settled around the River Pishôn (White Nile), in the biblical land of Havilah. The geographical localisation of the land of Havilah and the River Pishôn, around the lower Nile, part of Ethiopia, has been attested in a precious document which has been transmitted from generations to generations of scholars. We mean the famous Letter addessed by Eldad Ha Dani to the Jews of Spain, in 883:
"This was my going forth from the other side of the rivers of Ethiopia", he said. And then he relates the local memory of the four tribes which crossed from Israël to Ethiopia, after the death of Sennacherib, king of Assyria:
"And these tribes, being Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher, dwell in the ancient Havilah, where gold is, and they trusted in their Maker, and the Lord helped them." Eldad insists on the strict cacherout observance, according to the Mose's law:
"No unclean thing is to be found with them, no unclean fowl, no unclean beast, no unclean cattle, no flies, no feas, no lice, no fox, no scorpions, no serpents, and no dogs. All these were in the idolatrous land, where they had been in servitude. They have only sheep, oxen, and fowls, and their sheep bring forth twice a year." Batutsi means literally "Those which permanent occupation is to lead cattle to the pasture". Eldad confirms this: "These four tribes have gold and silver and precious stones, and much sheep and cattle and camels and asses, and they sow and they reap, and they dwell in tents, and, when they will, they journey and encamp in tents, from border to border, two days by two days' journey, and in the place they encamp there is no place where the foot of man enters, . . ." Eldad testifies to the Mose's faith of the Batutsi:
"They are of perfect faith and their Talmud is all in Hebrew, and thus they learn, . . . But they know no Rabbis, for these were of the Second Temple and they did not reach them." Indeed, Havila Institute has already pointed out numerous linguistic roots which support the Batutsi lexical system. These linguistic particles are common in Hebrew and in Batutsi idiom. Now, everyone can remind the bitter debates that followed the Eldad testimony along the centuries, still now. Thanks to the constant efforts of scholars, working in the Havila framework, under my supervision, it is now possible to give precious and systematic indications on that wonderful phenomenon of encoding Hebraïc memory. The ancient material civilisation of Batutsi, their language, their mythology, their religion, their political legacy and their general way of life, all those matters can be described exactly as related by Eldad Ha Dani.